Friday, June 24, 2011

#Self Medicating

I am flying halfway across the world to a place unknown in 4 more sleeps.

It's not actually a place unknown, it's actually Belarus, which is in Eastern Europe.

But I'm not here to talk about Belarus and all that comes with it.

I'm here to talk about things to bring on vacation with you. Medications to be a little more specific.

We'll start with the plane ride:

  • Analgesic (Advil, Tylenol,Asprin) - for pain relief when it comes to any types of headaches or pain that may occur from sitting in a pressured box for 12,000 hours.
  • Antiemetic (Gravol) - this prevents nausea and vomitting. And Gravol has the added effect of knocking you right out. So if plane rides make you sick I would suggest it.

Now on to the actual vacation (you might laugh at some of these, but I promise you won't be laughing if you need them):

  • Laxatives (Senokot) - in case you can't poop.
  • Anti-Diarrheal (Immodium) - in case you can't stop pooping.
  • Antiemetic (Gravol) - I told you to take this on the plane. I would bring enough for the whole vacation.
  • I would also take Pepto-Bismol to cover all the other bases between your mouth and your bum
  • Antihistamine (Benadryl) - you never know what you are going to be allergic to or what will cause a reaction in you. Especially in a foreign country. I would bring oral AND topical. Just in case.
  • Any OTC Cold and Flu medicine - Be cautiously optimistic. Bring things like that JUST IN CASE you get sick. I'm not saying you will. Make sure you have something for fever relief as well.
  • If you're going somewhere hot I would stock up on some Bactine - it relieves pain and prevents infection from minor burns. Or the staple Aloe Vera gel. Everybody knows about that one. 

I know what you're thinking, "Wow, this girl worries a lot about how my food is coming out of my body. What a weirdo." But you will thank me. Your gastrointestinal system (The one that connects your mouth to your anus) is the first one to be irritated in a foreign place. And you might THINK you're impervious to the reactions I'm talking about but chances are you're not. Because not only is the food different, the water is different. And when you can't poop, or you can't stop pooping you will not be a happy camper I promise you.

I would even bring a box of granola bars in your suit case. Just to be safe.

So there you have it. I'm sure there are a trillion other things you could bring, but this is my basic medicinal packing list for anyone travelling to a foreign coutry!

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